Modular & Extendable Moss Poles
Bring a pop of colour to your indoor garden! Our modular plant support poles are easy to put together, endlessly stackable, and will promote growth and maturity, increasing the size of your leaves. Mix and match, clean and reuse, add on new lengths, and watch your plants climb ever higher!
Sorted by size, smallest to largest, scroll to find your fit.
L-Line Petite Modular Moss Pole Kit "Small But Perfectly Formed"
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 total reviews
Sized for propagations, early growing, and beginning moss pole training. Fits most small nursery pots, taking up a minimum of space. SlowDrip cap included.

XL-Line Modular Moss Pole Kit "Work Horse Moss Pole" - Bestseller & OG
4.91 / 5.0
(23) 23 total reviews
Suitable for thin-vined climbers such as Syngonium, most Philodendron, and some Monstera such as Adansonii. The cost effective option for reaching greater heights, support with wall brackets once you reach 4+ sections, to prevent bending.

XXL-Line Modular Moss Pole Kit
4.83 / 5.0
(6) 6 total reviews
Rigid and sturdy, the large moss volume of this size makes it suitable to hold large aerial thick-stemmed climbers such as Monstera Deliciosa and Philodendron Glorious. The large diameter means no bending until you reach 6+ sections.

XXL Modular Moss Pole Kit La Turra "Moss Pole Tower for Tall Plants"
5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 total reviews
The same large diameter as the XXL-Line, this kit features a partially enclosed section that ensures the moss remains moist for longer. SlowDrip cap included.

D-Shaped Moss Pole - Modular Moss Pole Kit
5.0 / 5.0
(26) 26 total reviews
Innovative design featuring a semi-enclosed large moss volume, this sturdy moss pole is suitable for just about any medium to large plant. Clear backing allows for moisture preservation and root supervision. Some (tool-free) assembly required, pair with a wall bracket once top-heavy.

Monstera Pattern Trellis: D-Shaped Moss Pole "Beautiful Barbara"
5.0 / 5.0
(26) 26 total reviews
A variant on the D-Pole, the open face of this moss pole features the artist designed pattern, a Monstera growing up a trellis. Combine with your decor via a variety of colours!