What size and style should I choose for my moss pole?
There are many factors to consider when selecting what size and style moss pole you want to grow your plant on. The information found here is based on both our experience and that of the experts.
Some words on each moss pole style
L-Line Moss Pole:
Thin stemmed climbers such as Syngoniums, Hoyas, and Epipremnums are best suited for this line, as the narrower 4 cm diameter will not support large masses of roots, or heavy leaves. The L-Line is a good option to replace bamboo sticks and the like as you can fill its smaller mesh with bark or coco chips as a substrate.
This product is also ideal for nursery setups, when you want to train your plant to climb from the very start.

XL-Line Moss Pole:
The workhorse of our product line, you can have practically any plant make its home in this rigid, large 6 cm diameter moss pole. Our customers have planted Monsteras, Philodendrons, Syngoniums, Epipremnums, and many more varieties on this sturdy trellis. When you need your moss pole to extend longer than a person is tall, this is the line to choose. It also carries the advantage of being compatible with our line of moss pole integrated planters, so you are easily able to transfer your rooted stem to a centred and supported planter.

XXL-Line Moss Pole:

D-Shaped Moss Poles:
With its large volume of moss, and single open face, this moss pole is perfect for large plants with showy leaves. The Monstera Dubia, Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, Monstera Deliciosa (and its beautiful variegations), and many others will thrive in the rich environment provided. As a large portion of the pole is fully enclosed, the moss dehydrates at a much slower rate than the cylinder models, making this the favourite option for lower maintenance plant parents. This line is also a favourite for propagators, as the flat mesh can be easily clipped open to release rooted cuttings, while still preserving its function.

What length should I purchase?
Measure the length of the plant you intend to pot up with our moss pole, from the top of the soil to the very tip of its growth. Once you've selected the style of moss pole you want, you should select a length option that covers the measured length, plus 2 additional sections. This will save you having to purchase additional extensions immediately, as you may be surprised how quickly your plant starts to grow once it is given that extra boost.
You may of course always buy additional extensions which can be screwed or snapped on easily, so the main consideration is that you have enough to provide for the near future.